Optimizing Your Company’s Twitter Profile
If you haven’t yet taken advantage of Twitter, you’re about to discover a fantastic (and free) way to reach more than 200 million active users in real time. But before you post that inaugural tweet, you’ll need to set up a profile for your company. And, believe it or not, that page can do as much for your SEO rankings as the tweets themselves.
It’s easy to get started on this uber-friendly social networking site. Marketing gurus recommend that you use your company’s real name when possible and keep the username simple—in fact, they can be identical, to keep your identity at its strongest. Be sure to craft a compelling bio (in 160 characters or less), because it will end up being your meta description. It’s a good idea to work some of the keywords that are most relevant to your brand into your bio, and don’t forget to include the URL to your web site. The same rule applies to your profile picture and background: keep them simple. While your profile picture will inevitably be your company’s logo or one of its most recognized ads, you might think about using the background image to convey useful information to people. If you have an ecommerce business, consider using it to promote a current sale or deal you’re offering. Or, if you’re a service-oriented business, such as a web design agency or marketing firm, then try incorporating a list of the services you provide into the image.
Now that you’ve set up an appealing Twitter page that delivers a clear message about your brand, it’s time to get tweeting. The number of followers you attract and retweets you achieve will be in direct proportion to how effective your Twitter campaign management strategies are, and the amount of interesting, relevant, useful information you share. Ideas for tweets may include jokes or funny images, inspiring quotes or advice from your CEO, and questions designed to engage your followers. Part of Twitter’s charm is the feeling of being directly connected to the brands and personalities the user enjoys. However, don’t stop there. Try this experiment: think of something relevant to internet marketing, tweet about it, and include @consortemktg at the end. We’ll read it and most likely tweet back at you. Now, try doing this with people and companies with whom you really want to connect, and see how many of them respond!
You can also include new product releases and information about your promotions and special offers, of course, but they shouldn’t compose the bulk of your content. Twitter users may initially follow you because they enjoy your products or services, but in the long term, they’ll want to see more than sales pitches. So keep things interesting: when you tweet about one of your new products, for example, include a unique or clever use for it. And pay attention to your followers and #yourcompanyname. If someone posts a rave review of your company or a YouTube video featuring one of your products, thank them and retweet it. Remember, Twitter isn’t just about blasting out your message; it’s about engagement.
These tips will get you started, and as you get more comfortable, you can craft a more holistic approach to your social media and online brand-building. For some companies, it makes sense to integrate Twitter with Facebook or LinkedIn. Other companies choose to create a somewhat different experience for their audiences on different platforms. As an example, we tend to post more technical content on our Twitter profile and more general marketing news on our Facebook page. Take this advice as your starting point. Follow the steps outlined, and you’ll no doubt customize aspects of this strategy to match your business, your audience and your objectives. Tweet at us when you do!