The Importance of a Great Website Splash Page

When you’re building (or redesigning) a website for your business, you can’t rush the job. You want to take the time to ensure that it functions perfectly, is well organized, easy on the eyes, and features spectacularly optimized content. During this process, it’s easy to forget the fact that you’re already making an impression on users—after all, you haven’t launched yet. But if you’ve already purchased your domain name, it means potential customers are forming an idea of what you’re about. Therefore, since first impressions are so important, we want to help you take advantage of this opportunity to connect with people.

When you’re in the process of developing your full website—or giving your current one a major makeover—it’s wise to create an attractive splash page that provides useful content to users who visit your URL. The generic default pages provided by most domain registrars and web hosts are impersonal and unappealing, and they may even provide links to your competitors’ sites. The average user isn’t going to spend more than a few seconds on a page like this—it doesn’t provide anything useful or interesting.

When you’re at the mall, you’ll sometimes see bold, beautiful, eye-catching artwork that tells you where a new shop will be opening—and when. If it’s a logo you recognize or a brand that intrigues you, you’ll most likely make a mental note to stop there in a few weeks when the store is open. A splash page serves a similar purpose. It’s a great way to communicate to future customers that your website is in development and that they should bookmark your page for its upcoming launch. If you have a brick-and-mortar location, you can let users know where and when they can come see you in person. If you’re available to answer their questions on the phone or via email, be sure to include that information. And don’t be afraid to link your site to your company’s Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages.

When you’re setting up a splash page, it’s important to use elements of your full website so that users can begin to recognize your brand. Even if you’re simply listing your company name, the words “Coming next month,” and your contact information, you can use color palettes, fonts, and images that deliver your specific message. That way, when users return to visit your full website, it already feels like familiar territory.

Responsive design looks good whether viewed on a large or small screen.

Responsive design looks good whether viewed on a large or small screen.

Although your splash page functions as a simple placeholder, don’t forget to make it adaptable for any screen size with a responsive design. A beautiful splash page doesn’t do much more for your brand than a generic one if mobile users can’t get it to load on their smartphones. Make sure it’s easy for anyone who surfs to your website to be talking and thinking about what’s most important—you.

  • By Dennis Consorte
  • Published on August 28th, 2013