AdWords Feature: Track Offline Conversions
Do you market your goods or services primarily—or entirely—online, but complete some (or even all) of your sales face-to-face or over the phone? If this is the case, what’s your method of measuring how well your online marketing strategy is impacting your offline performance? Of course you want to get the most out of your PPC campaign, but when some or all of your sales happen elsewhere, like in a customer service representative’s office, there hasn’t been an easy and convenient way to evaluate its effectiveness on your bottom line—until now.
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Google recently introduced offline conversion-tracking program for AdWords users. Businesses that specialize in certain products or services—Google cites insurance and auto sales companies as prime examples—are now able to gain new insight into managing PPC campaigns more effectively as part of an omnichannel marketing strategy for purchases that are often completed over the phone or in person.
The process is simple and straightforward: once the offline transaction is complete, the user can log on to AdWords and upload the click ID, conversion type, and date to create a new AdWords conversion. Now you can easily track and optimize all your conversions across all platforms—rather than just the ones that happen online— for a clearer picture of how well your PPC campaign is serving your business. Check out the important details from Google, and get some extra help logging your offline conversions here.
The launch of this helpful new function follows the recent introduction of Google’s Universal Analytics, which also features offline conversion tracking.