This Week in Online Marketing

What’s new with you this week? We’re here with an urgent update on Google keyword data, along with great advice on the SEO/client relationship and what you can do to heighten your sense of creativity.  Check out these recent stories.

Google Keyword Data is Last Week’s News

We’re listing this one first because it’s really important news for online marketers in every field: Thom Craver of Search Engine Watch shares the news that Google has retired keyword data altogether in favor of encrypted (HTTPS) searches. This obviously makes it much more difficult to determine how users are finding your site. Clearly, you’re going to have to adjust your strategies ASAP—we all are! For now your best bet might be to create some advanced segments in Analytics that pull in data from Google Webmaster Tools. If you’re an analytics geek and up for the challenge, then play around with some advanced methods for dissecting secure search.

Troubleshooting the Relationship Between SEO Agencies and Clients

If you’ve ever been in this sort of relationship where it went south, you’ve probably learned (the hard way!) what not to do. This week, Stoney deGeyter of Search Engine Land brings us 4 Ways to Avoid an SEO Disaster of Monumental Proportions, based on some of his less-than-stellar experiences in the industry. He emphasizes that communication is key: an SEO agency and its customers will both be much happier if there is a clear plan, realistic expectations, and a collaborative process. Simply stated, it’s just better if everyone is speaking openly about any questions or concerns so that no one is disappointed or frustrated later. What do you think—what do you do to keep the lines of communication with clients open?

For Content that Sings … Learn to Belt it Out Yourself

Srinivas Rao of Search Engine Journal has some interesting and unconventional suggestions on How Creative Cross Training Can Improve Your Writing. His suggestions are rooted in the fine, performing, and culinary arts, with the understanding that learning to cook, making something with your hands, or developing your musicianship will help you to think about the world in new ways and inspire original material when it’s time to sit down and bust out some A+ written content. It’s definitely an idea worth considering, but it most likely only helps if you’re really enjoying what you’re doing. If sketching baskets of fruit or hammering out scales on the piano isn’t fun for you, you’ll have a hard time finding any enthusiasm—and you won’t get much out of it that you can use when you’re writing, either. So take the time to explore these ideas and find something that suits your interests, abilities, and budget. Lessons and classes cost money—but if you decide to try cooking, you’ll at least get some great meals out of the process!




  • By Dennis Consorte
  • Published on September 24th, 2013