Web Design & Online Marketing News Recap: April 11, 2014

Happy Friday! We hope you’ve had a successful and productive week, and that you’re looking forward to whatever’s up next on your calendar. As always, we’re here with the best of web design and online marketing news for your review. This week, we’ve found some handy lists that we think will be of great use to you as you put together and/or update your business’s web site. And we’ve found a fun compilation of really delicious-looking web sites that we think will motivate you to keep yours looking spiffy. Check it out!

6 Successful Ways to Manage Your Design Projects: Gabrielle Gosha, Web Design Views

Are you putting together your company’s page for the very first time—or doing a complete web design overhaul? In either case, the task can feel pretty overwhelming, and it’s difficult to know just where to dive in when you have so many points to address, like creating a wireframe and designing responsively for mobile devices. Gabrielle Gosha has put together a list of 6 Successful Ways to Manage Your Design Projects for Web Design Views that will help you organize your work. She recommends identifying a list of tasks and giving yourself an outline of how you’ll complete them, rather than just starting randomly and hoping for the best. Were you one of those kids who had a hard time starting your homework because you just couldn’t decide where to begin? Then this article’s one you won’t want to miss.

How to Make Your Website Stand Out Amongst all the Latest Trends: Jared Chelf, Web Design Ledger

We love when this happens! Our next article is the perfect complement to the last one: Jared Chelf presents a list of ideas on How to Make Your Website Stand Out Among all the Latest Trends for Web Design Ledger. These are tips with which we definitely agree—like making sure to engage your target audience and soliciting feedback about your user experience. Do you want to make sure your business’s online presence doesn’t disappear as more web sites pop up by the hour? Review these tried-and-true web design tips and strategies to ensure you build and maintain a site that really works for your company.

20 Tasty Website Designs from the Food Industry: Chris Spooner, Line25

So, when it comes to excellent web design strategy, we always emphasize how a sleek layout and beautiful photos can help to make your page a hit with your users. And there’s no better industry to demonstrate the importance of these things than restaurants and food retailers, because selling food is all about visual appeal! Chris Spooner has put together a list of 20 Tasty Website Designs from the Food Industry for Line25, and we think they’ll whet your appetite for some stunning, appealing visuals, elegant navigation, and other web design best practices of your own. Fair warning: you might not be able to concentrate on anything but the rumblings in your belly after checking out a few of these sites … but that illustrates the point really well, doesn’t it? We think so!

So if, after reading this, you have to treat yourself to a serious lunch (forget whatever you stuffed into the office fridge this morning!), we can’t say we blame you. But after you’re satisfied, be sure to sit down and evaluate where you are in your web site design plan. Is it time for some changes or maybe some professional expertise that will help take your page to the next level?

  • By Jody Mullen
  • Published on April 11th, 2014