10x Content Creation

The content we produce for most clients follows our standard content plan. It’s high quality and engaging, and it will be better than much of the content that exists on other websites. That said, we prefer to make superior content in order to make a real dent in an SEO or content strategy. MOZ refers to this as “10x Content” because a relatively new website like this needs content that is 10 times better than anything else on page 1 of Google if you hope to rank for many keywords. Here’s how to start your own 10x content creation strategy.

The 10x Plan

Small business clients will not have the budget to produce a number of these pieces every month. However, it is realistic to set a goal of producing a few truly amazing pieces of content per year as part of your content creation plan. Below is an outline of the 10x process that we have developed. It varies from client to client, depending on needs and goals, but this will give you an idea of what to expect, and the amount of time that goes into a single piece of rich content.

10x Content Goals

10x Goals

  • Produce one amazing, multi-media piece of content that will be so good that people will reference and link to it in their own content as a resource, and will share it on social media with their peers
  • Be relevant to a viable audience for the product, who may one day use it for themselves, or influence others to use it
  • Increase the overall authority of the website in its respective vertical

Research Takes Time

10x Process

  • 8 hours initial research
    • Comparing the various audiences to determine the best opportunity for success
    • Preliminary research into topics that people are writing about and sharing
    • Proposing 3-4 possible topics
    • Client discussion to choose one of these topics for the project
  • 24 hours deep research on selected topic
    • Keyword Research
    • Article Resources – finding high quality, relevant articles to reference and link to
    • Author & Influencer Research – obtaining contact information for as many of these resources as we decide to include in the final deliverable, as well as other influencers who may see the content as valuable
    • Multimedia Research – finding relevant videos, images or other media that we may either include as references, or compete with by providing a better, more engaging video that brings more value to the end user
  • 16 hours outline & strategy for multimedia content production, including text, images and video

10x Content Deliverables

10x Deliverables

  • Timeline: 1-3 months per package
  • 3,000 – 5,000 words of text content, following the same editorial process as described in the general content plan
  • 60-90 second engaging video that supports the text content, and also functions as a stand-alone digital asset that people will want to watch and share
    • Professionally edited
    • Depending on the direction we take, it may require some staff interviews (can be done remotely)
    • Stock video, still images & audio inserted
  • 3-4 unique graphic images that support the content and may possibly function as stand-alone pieces that people will share
  • Publishing to the website, following the same QA process as described in our more general content plan
  • Content amplification
    • Outreach to authors of articles referenced in the content
    • Outreach to other authors or publications that may find the content valuable
    • Posting to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and other social media websites when applicable
    • Limited time PPC campaign setup (requires ad budget, and the goal is not conversion to sales or leads – it is content amplification in the hopes that some influencers will discover and share the content)
      • LinkedIn ads
      • Facebook ads
      • Twitter ads
      • Outbrain
    • Press Release – writing and distribution

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