Digital Asset Optimization
Consorte Marketing offers Digital Asset Optimization (DAO) services to enhance your Social Media Optimization (SMO) strategy. At the same time, you will enrich your entire organic search campaign. How do we do it?
What makes Digital Asset Optimization (DAO) important?
As the term suggests, DAO is the optimization of your on-site and off-site digital assets such as images, videos, PDF files, audio, tweets and Facebook page status updates.
Say for example that you have a how-to tutorial video that you made for your customers floating around the web. It has no description, has a random vid0001.avi filename and is not even promoted in your social media sites. So far, the people who have already seen your video love it, aka your family and friends. But it hasn’t really reached your target audience yet and you sit there, scratch your head, and wonder why.
This video is a perfect example of a digital asset that is losing its value simply because it hasn’t been optimized. You might have intended this video to be just a tutorial. By contrast, we see it as a potential marketing tool that can attract future customers and jolt the current ones. It will gain exposure for your business. Furthermore, it will contribute to building up your brand message across search engine results.
Elementary DAO
We’re transparent about the basics of digital asset optimization, because we know how much work is involved in the process. Here’s what it looks like.
Research, research, research
You have all the tools available online to do your research. You analyze phrases and keyword targets, how your target audience thinks, and how the various search engines work. Once you’ve done your homework, you can now optimize your content by changing its filename to a description of its content. Specifically, you use descriptive keywords. For the above example, vid0001.avi can instead be renamed to “your-business-name-of-product-tutorial.avi.” You can also use the results of your research when completing a content’s metadata, caption (when possible), title, URL and tags.
Don’t be lazy on descriptions
People want you to inform them about your products and services. They don’t want to waste their time watching a three-minute tutorial video about an alien topic. By contrast, they prefer to use that time to watch cute kittens doing cute kitten stuff on YouTube. More importantly, when your target audience Googles topics that are related to your products and services, you want your content to rank well. Descriptive filenames will help.
Don’t forget your social media
All of your social media pages are indexed on Google. Therefore, you should include your keyword targets whenever possible and relevant.
Keep in mind PDFs and DOC files
Optimize your PDF and DOC content as you would a web page. Always fill out all the document’s properties such as author, subject, description, and keywords using appropriate target terms.
Key Performance Indicators
- Search engine rankings improve. This includes your webpage and your digital assets.
- Related businesses reference and embed your digital assets. They use your content as a tool to engage their customers.
- Your target audience has conversations about your digital assets on social media. Conversations include comments, shares and likes on Facebook. They also include tweets, posts on Instagram, and other platforms.
- Referral traffic to your website increases. This may include a variety of distribution channels, such as social media, e-mail, blogs, and forums.
Dominate the SERPs
It is important to remember that like SMM (Social Media Marketing), the goal of DAO is not to directly boost your business’s profits. Rather, it is to dominate the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and maximize the exposure of your brand to current and future customers. DAO is also a powerful tool to increase visibility across platforms where your target audience is most active – social media sites. Post your digital assets to Facebook and elsewhere. It will remind them of the products and services that you offer, whenever they share your content.
Practicing Digital Asset Optimization seems easy. However, there are a lot of things to account for when you are running a serious business. The advantages of DAO are far and wide once you’re already past the implementation stage. Don’t let your digital assets decay in a computer folder. Let one of our professionals review your digital assets as part of our comprehensive Social Media Optimization (SMO) service. Get you the advice you need on improving your brand identity online.