Taxonomy Creation
If you run your business online, you know that your website serves as your storefront to a significant percentage of your customers—and, if your company is 100% web-based, your page is in fact the entire face of your business. Naturally, you want it to communicate excellence in every respect, including a pleasant and convenient shopper experience.
When you’re considering the factors that contribute to making a website successful, it’s helpful if you can think of it the way you would a brick-and-mortar shop. Is it visually appealing? Are your products and/or services easy to locate, filter, and sort? Imagine how frustrated you would be shopping in a disorganized store, digging through piles of merchandise to find what you needed—or, in the same vein, hunting for a particular article in a newspaper that lacked designated sections. You’d probably throw in the towel and give your attention to a competitor pretty quickly.
In reality, your website is no different. If potential customers can’t locate the content they want with relative ease, they’re going to be irritated, and you’re going to lose conversions. Fortunately, a great web designer can help you to avoid this. This is where well-conceived web taxonomy comes into play.
What is taxonomy? And what does it have to do with web design services? If you’re thinking of the system of organism classification from high school biology class, you’re not far from the truth. Website taxonomy is a method of organizing the information on your website so that it’s searchable in a number of ways. For instance, if you run a blog related to your industry, you can create tags for various topics so that users can find everything you’ve written on a subject of interest. Similarly, your web site taxonomy can allow users to browse products by type, size, color, or any number of characteristics. It also makes it possible for them to sort by price (high-low or low-high) or brand and to see only sale/promotional items. In summary, you’re making it simple and convenient for your customers to locate the exact content they seek: a set of blog entries, news releases, or press kit pieces on a certain topic, your sale items for women in green or blue for under $100 … you name it.
At Consorte, we understand that excellent professional web design services include a comprehensive, well-informed web taxonomy plan. We’ll conduct a thorough analysis of your content, current taxonomy, and user behavior, and we’ll also take a good, hard look at what the competition is doing to organize their websites. Before launching your redesigned site, we’ll run extensive tests to make sure your content is brilliantly organized and easily searchable. Your job is to offer your customers the first-class services and products they need. Our job is to make sure they can find them without issue. Let’s get to work.